Split testing is a necessity when it comes to marketing and selling your products online.
If you’re using ThriveCart, it’s definitely something you’d want to be able to do!
In this article, we’ll cover whether or not you can use A/B split testing and what you are able to test.
ThriveCart is the best shopping cart platform I’ve ever used, hands down!
If you haven’t invested in ThriveCart yet, I’d highly recommend taking advantage of their lifetime deal since it will be going away very soon! It’ll save you a ton of money in the long run with this special offer I negotiated for our readers…
Can you use A/B testing for ThriveCart?
Yes, you can use A/B split testing with ThriveCart.
This is a native feature they include with their base plan, so be sure to take advantage of it and start increasing your conversion rates!

I’d recommend you to only split test one element at a time, so you can understand exactly what’s working and what isn’t.
Which elements you can split test with ThriveCart
Inside of ThriveCart, they allow you to split test just about anything!
Like I said, testing one thing at a time will be the best bet so you can decide what’s working best.
Here’s the full list of elements you can split test with ThriveCart.
- Pricing (cost!)
- Pricing options (split pay, recurring, one-time, or pay your own price!)
- Payment options (Paypal & Stripe vs only Stripe)
- Payment button color
- Different testimonials
- Testimonials vs no testimonials
- Countdown time vs no countdown timer
- Logo vs no logo
- Money-back guarantee vs no guarantee
- Overall design of the checkout
- Which bullet points help sell the best
- Which order bump converts the best
- Which images work best
- What fields should be included in the checkout
- Much more! Get a little creative 🙂
There’s a ton more you can start split testing, but this exhaustive list will keep you busy for a while. If you take the time and do this properly, it’ll have a massive impact on your business!